Clinical Portal

To use the OneHealthPort CDR and other HIE applications, such as the C-CDA Validator and the OneHealthPort Provider Directory, your organization must be a participant with the OneHealthPort health information exchange (HIE).

If you don't know whether your organization is already a participant with the OneHealthPort HIE, you may check the participant list.

To become a participant with the OneHealthPort HIE go to the OneHealthPort HIE Contracting website

HIE web applications offer OneHealthPort HIE participants access to tools for using the CDR and HIE applications through a secure website. Click on the application titles in blue for a description of the application.

To Access the OneHealthPort HIE web application portal you need:

  • A OneHealthPort Subscriber ID
  • A OneHealthPort HIE Contract
  • A CDR access role assigned by your Administrator
Bundle: Text

HIE Application portal.png

Clinical Data Repository (Coming Soon)

The CDR Access allows users a view of patient data for the purposes of managing treatment, payment or business operations. Access permission may be given to users (providers and appropriate staff) in organizations that participate in the HIE. Access is provided by the organization's OneHealthPort SSO Administrator to a user through the use of an assigned CDR Access role. All access to patient data in the CDR is fully audited in accordance with HIPAA requirements. Users can look up patient data in the CDR as well as upload PDF clinical summary documents following a patient visit.

OneHealthPort Provider Directory

The OneHealthPort Provider Directory collects information about providers that can be used for submitting electronic messages through the HIE from an electronic health record system or sending Direct email messages. Examples of this information include provider name, organization identifiers for use with electronic messages and Direct email addresses. Provider information can also be manually entered into this directory.

OneHealthPort Provider Directory User Guide

C-CDA Validation Testing

The C-CDA Validation Testing web application provides portal access to a secure system for checking C-CDA document message structure and format conformance with national standards. Organizations that will be submitting C-CDA documents to the CDR are required to perform this testing before beginning C-CDA document submissions to the CDR.

C-CDA Validation Testing User Guide