HIE Applications Portal
HIE Applications Portal offers OneHealthPort HIE participants access to tools for using HIE services through a secure website.
To Access the OneHealthPort HIE Applications Portal You Need
- A OneHealthPort Subscriber ID.
- A OneHealthPort HIE Contract. Check if your organization is a OneHealthPort HIE participant.
- A CDR access role assigned by your administrator.
Once you access the HIE Applications Portal, you should expect to see the following:
Click on the Application Titles Below for a Description of the Application
Clinical Portal
The Clinical Portal is a web portal that allows authorized users to view clinical data of sponsored patient lives in the OneHealthPort Clinical Data Repository (CDR). Data contributed by the provider community, as part of data collection initiatives, provides a longitudinal record of patient care information.
For more information click on the Clinical Portal page.
The Reports application allows users to run predefined reports that may be used for Meaningful Use attestation or meet other quality program requirements. Currently, the Provider Dashboard report is available which aggregates a variety of submissions and queries your organization has used through the OneHealthPort HIE and CDR. This first version provides information at the organization level. Reports are generated from submissions performed by your organization using your identifiers. Submissions or queries on your organization’s behalf by your vendor or an aggregator may not be included in these counts if there are no visible identifiers in the meta data submitted. If you have any questions about the Provider Dashboard report or need assistance, please submit a OneHealthPort HIE Support Request.