Health Plan Arbitration Contact Information
Per WAC 284-43B-035 - A provider initiating arbitration under the Balance Billing Protection Act must send the arbitration initiation request to the health plan's designated contact for receipt of notices to initiate arbitration. Below are the email address and phone number identified by each of the health plans.
Company |
Contact Name |
Contact Email |
Phone Number |
4 Ever Life Insurance Company |
William Sterling |
wsterling@bcsf.com |
630-472-7869 |
Aetna Life Insurance Company (Aetna) |
N/A |
WAArbitration@AETNA.com |
281-637-3002 |
All Savers Insurance Company (UHC) |
Malinda Zumer |
uho_negotiate.arbitrate.mediate@uhc.com |
317-715-7879 |
American Specialty Health Insurance Company (ASH Insurance) |
Jaclyn Parker |
ASHAppeals@ashn.com |
760-496-8253 |
Asuris Northwest Health (Cambria Health Solution) |
N/A |
ProviderAppeals@asuris.com |
1-800-253-0838 |
BridgeSpan Health Company (Cambria Health Solution) |
N/A |
ProviderAppeals@bridgespanhealth.com |
1-800-253-0838 |
Cigna (CHLIC) |
Andrew Caylor |
state_mandated_arbitrations@cigna.com |
1-860-907-6295 |
Community Health Plan of Washington (CHPW) |
Customer Service |
CustomerCare@chpw.org |
1-866-907-1906 |
Coordinated Care | Amy Condon | Amy.M.Condon@coordinatedcarehealth.com | 253-844-3149 |
First Choice Health Network, Inc |
Jacqueline J Brainard |
compliance@fchn.com |
206-268-2302 |
Health Alliance Northwest Health Plan |
Elizabeth Kurt |
Legal@healthalliance.org or Elizabeth.Kurt@healthalliance.org |
217-902-8056 |
Health Net Health Plan of Oregon |
Kim Hanson |
ComplianceOregon@Centene.com |
541-799-3125 |
Kaiser Foundation Health Plan of the Northwest |
N/A |
503-813-4480 |
Kaiser Foundation Health Plan of Washington; Kaiser Foundation Health Plan of Washington Options, Inc. |
N/A |
Balance-Billing-Arbitration@kp.org |
1-888-767-4670 |
LifeWise Health Plan of Washington | LifeWise Health Plan Federal No Surprises | FedNoSurprises@lifewisehealth.com | 1-844-960-4481 |
Molina |
N/A |
WASurpriseBillingDispute@MolinaHealthcare.com |
425-424-1100, ext. 142652 |
PacificSource HealthPlans |
Kim Kenworthy |
Kim.Kenworthy@pacificsource.com |
509-505-6452 |
Premera |
Premera Federal No Surprises |
FedNoSurprises@premera.com |
1-844-960-4481 |
Providence Health Plan |
N/A |
PHPProviderArbitrationCoordinator@providence.org |
503-574-7771 |
Regence BlueShield (Cambria Health Solutions) |
N/A |
ProviderAppeals@regence.com |
1-800-253-0838 |
Regence BlueCross BlueShield of Oregon (Cambria Health Solution) |
N/A |
ProviderAppeals@regence.com |
1-800-253-0838 |
Trustmark Health Benefits (THB) TPA for Delaware American Life Insurance Company |
Jessica McGinnis |
JMcginnis@trustmarkbenefits.com |
913-814-6158 |
StudentResources division of UnitedHealthCare (UHC) |
Regulatory & Consumer Affairs (RCA) |
OofNetwork@uhcsr.com |
888-315-0448 |
UnitedHealthCare (UHC) |
N/A |
Ceu_arbitrations@uhc.com |
844-368-5052 |