Data Application FAQs
Need answers to questions about the data application process? See the FAQs below.
Who is the Health Care Authority and why are they making this data available?
The Washington State Health Care Authority is the state's Medicaid agency and responsible for the coverage provided to citizens in the state that are eligible for and use this health care coverage. The Clinical Data Repository initiative was started in 2017 to collect clinical data for research, analytics and programs contributing to the public good. The data application process was designed and is available for use by qualified applicants to support the CDR initiative's objectives.
Who is the Data Governance Committee and what do they do?
The Data Governance Committee is comprised of representatives from public and private organizations in the health care community. These representatives, appointed and approved by the Health Care Authority, provide oversight and guidance to the CDR data application process.
What is OneHealthPort's role in the CDR data application process?
OneHealthPort is the Lead Organization contracted with the Health Care Authority to manage the CDR program and the CDR data application process. OneHealthPort works in collaboration with the Data Governance Committee and the Health Care Authority to facilitate the data application process. Approved data applications are then managed by OneHealthPort for final contract execution and data delivery.
What do I need before I begin the data application process?
Organizations interested in submitting an application for data from the CDR need to first determine the purpose for the use of the data by their organization such as for initiatives supporting research efforts, analytics or programs that contribute to the public good. Applicants must also ensure they have established internal organization policies, resources and processes for use and management of data if the application is approved.
What data is available?
The CDR contains clinical data submitted by the provider community for patients covered under integrated Medicaid health plans. A complete list of the data can be reviewed in the Clinical Data Repository Data Set Description document.
What is included in the data application form?
The How to Apply for Clinical Data Repository Data webpage has a Data Application Quick Guide that provides an overview and screenshots of the online application form. This guide helps users organize information required for the application before beginning the process.
How do I make changes to an existing data application?
When a data application is submitted it is reviewed by OneHealthPort. OneHealthPort will work with the submitting organization to verify information in the application is accurate and complete.
During this review period, organizations may request changes in the application by sending their request for the change to OneHealthPort in the application support portal. The application support portal account is established by the submitter at the time the application is submitted.
If it is determined the requested changes can be made during this initial review period, OneHealthPort will provide instructions to the applicant for making the changes to the application. If the changes are substantial, the applicant will need to start a new application and the current application will be terminated.
No changes may be made to an application after it is sent to the Data Governance Committee for review and the Health Care Authority for approval.
What is the difference between a custom report and a data extract?
A custom report is a formatted presentation of the approved data listed in the approved data application. OneHealthPort will work with the applicant to design, prepare and deliver the custom report in the format required by the applicant. The custom report is not useable in data analytics tools.
A data extract is delivery of the approved data in a format that the organization can use in analytics tools. OneHealthPort will work with the applicant to design and prepare this data in the required format and deliver on a one-time or subscription basis.
When do I pay to start the data retrieval process with OneHealthPort?
Following the approval of the data application and signing of the Data Use Agreement, OneHealthPort will charge a $7,500 minimum fee to design and deliver the data product. OneHealthPort will then work with the customer to design the custom report or the data extract. Organization will be notified of the estimated delivery date of the data product.
How do I make changes to a data subscription?
Organizations may submit a request for subscription changes using the application support portal. Change requests must include reason for subscription change, the desired change and the effective date the subscription change. OneHealthPort will review the change and respond within 5 business days with the decision and next steps for executing the change.
Can I cancel my data subscription at any time?
Organizations may submit a request to cancel a subscription using the application support portal. Cancellation requests must include reason for cancellation and the effective date the subscription cancellation. OneHealthPort will review the cancellation request and respond within 5 business days with the steps for executing the cancellation.
How do I request a continuation or renewal of a data subscription?
Organizations that have reached the end date of their approved application data use must submit a new data application.